View of the fighter revetments from the East end looking across
the active runway. The "Home of the Wolfpack" art work was painted over by the Thais in 2001.
View from across the runway. The building in the background is located
near the fighter revetments along the flightline.
View of the 10th Weather Squadron Radar domes. The photo was taken
from atop a nearby hotel.
View of the Air Base looking towards the Southeast. The fighter
squadron revetments can be seen in the upper right. The golf course on the left would be where the main part of the base was
A closeup view of the fighter squadron flightline and the largest
building in the flightline area. You can also see the middle portion of the runway.
On the lower right and at the end of the concrete wall near
the row of trees was where the on base Thai restaurant and Tailor Shop was located.
The same view as on the left, but zoomed out.
This view is looking directly to the Air Base main gate and part
of the shops that were located just outside the gate.
A closeup view at one of the building facilities on the flightline.
The new Airport Control Tower can be seen in the upper left.
View of the Air Base back gate perimeter road. The old Security
watch tower still remains from the war days.
View looking into the base from the back gate perimeter road. My
8th FMS barrack is in the center of the photo. This is the area where the 2 level concrete housing barracks were located.
A closeup of one of the only remaining Security watch towers along
the back gate perimeter road.